Changemakers in Family Planning: Tania Maria Caballero
Awarded 2021
Changemakers in Family Planning
Tania Maria Caballero, MD, MHS
Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Tania Maria Caballero is a pediatrician and clinician scientist committed to improving contraceptive access for uninsured immigrant mothers through innovative solutions in pediatric primary care. Dr. Caballero completed her general pediatrics residency at University of Rochester, NY and a Master of Health Science (MHS) from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Over the past 5 years serving as a pediatrician in the East Baltimore Latinx community, she has developed strong relationships with mothers of her patients, most of whom are immigrants and uninsured. She became interested in exploring how trusting, continuous relationships with mothers through the pediatrician’s office can facilitate equitable contraceptive access for uninsured women. Dr. Caballero hopes to develop skills in qualitative methodology and implementation science to study how to effectively implement programs that integrate maternal contraceptive needs into pediatric health provision. She hopes to gain skills in human centered design to explore how user-centered innovation can overcome contraceptive access barriers. Dr. Caballero hopes to develop a body of research demonstrating that continuous family planning opportunities for mothers is an essential component of pediatric health provision and a social determinant of child health.