Developing an evidence-based IUD self removal guide: A pilot study
Awarded 2016
Small Research Grants
Lyndsey Benson, MD, MS
University of Washington

This feasibility study will utilize a mixed methods approach over two distinct phases. Phase I: We will collect multiple sources of qualitative data to inform a counseling tool aimed at improving IUD users’ success and confidence in IUD self-removal. This will include conducting a series of focus groups with persons who have attempted IUD self-removal successfully or unsuccessfully, analyzing online information and videos regarding IUD user experience with self-removal and interviewing family planning providers from around the US. Phase II: We will pilot version 1.0 of the tool with 30 IUD users in University of Washington Medicine clinics to assess the feasibility and utility of the tool, IUD-user satisfaction with the tool, and self-removal success rate. We hope this feasibility project can lead to a version 2.0 of a self-removal counseling tool that can be rigorously evaluated in a natural setting (outside the clinic) where it would be most useful in bolstering IUD users’ reproductive autonomy.